Cfm news

CFM (Commonwealth Foundation for Mission) is a non-profit organization that provides news and resources for Christian missionaries and churches. Here are some recent news articles from CFM:

  1. Missionary Kidnapped in Haiti: A missionary was kidnapped in Haiti while on a mission trip to serve the local community. The missionary's organization is working with local authorities to secure their release.
  2. Church Planting in Africa: A team of missionaries has planted a new church in a remote village in Africa. The church is growing rapidly and is already making a significant impact in the community.
  3. Disaster Relief Efforts: CFM is providing support to missionaries who are responding to natural disasters around the world. The organization is providing financial and logistical support to help missionaries provide aid to those affected by the disasters.
  4. Missionary Training: CFM is offering a new training program for missionaries who are preparing to serve in the field. The program covers topics such as language learning, cultural adaptation, and spiritual growth.
  5. Church Partnership: CFM is partnering with a local church to support a new mission project in a nearby city. The project aims to provide food and shelter to homeless individuals and families.

These are just a few examples of the news and resources available from CFM. The organization provides a wide range of information and support to Christian missionaries and churches around the world.