Cfc news today

Here are some of the top news stories from the world of ColdFusion (CF) today:

1. CF Summit 2023: Call for Proposals Open: The CF Summit 2023 organizing team has announced that the call for proposals is now open. If you're interested in speaking at the conference, you can submit your proposal by March 31st.

2. ColdFusion 2021 Update 5 Released: Adobe has released Update 5 for ColdFusion 2021, which includes several bug fixes and security patches. You can download the update from the Adobe website.

3. CFML 1.1 Released: The CFML 1.1 specification has been released, which includes several new features and improvements. You can read more about the changes in the CFML 1.1 specification document.

4. ColdFusion on Kubernetes: A new tutorial has been published on how to deploy ColdFusion on Kubernetes using Docker and Helm. You can find the tutorial on the official ColdFusion blog.

5. CF Summit 2022 Recap: If you missed the CF Summit 2022, you can now watch the recorded sessions on the official CF Summit YouTube channel. The conference featured several talks on ColdFusion, CFML, and related topics.

These are just a few of the top news stories from the world of ColdFusion today. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest news and developments, I recommend following the official ColdFusion blog and social media channels.