Cfc news now

Here are the latest news updates from the world of ColdFusion (CF):

CF News

  1. CF 2021 Released: Adobe has officially released ColdFusion 2021, which brings several new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Source: Adobe Blog
  2. CF Summit 2021: The annual CF Summit is scheduled to take place from June 15-17, 2021, in Denver, Colorado. The event will feature keynotes, sessions, and workshops on ColdFusion development, architecture, and best practices. Source: CF Summit Website
  3. CF Community News: The ColdFusion community has been actively contributing to the platform, with new plugins, libraries, and frameworks being developed. Check out the latest updates on the CF Community Forum. Source: CF Community Forum
  4. CF Security: ColdFusion security expert, Ben Nadel, has published a series of articles on securing your CF applications. Check out his blog for tips and best practices. Source: Ben Nadel's Blog
  5. CF Tutorials: New tutorials and courses are being released to help developers learn ColdFusion. Check out the CF Tutorials website for a comprehensive list of resources. Source: CF Tutorials Website

CF Tools and Libraries

  1. CFML: The CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language) specification has been updated to version 1.2, which includes new features and improvements. Source: CFML Specification Website
  2. Lucee: Lucee, an open-source CFML engine, has released version, which includes several bug fixes and improvements. Source: Lucee Website
  3. CFBuilder: CFBUILDER, a popular CF development tool, has released version 2.0, which includes new features and improvements. Source: CFBUILDER Website

CF Jobs and Career

  1. CF Job Openings: Check out the latest CF job openings on the CF Jobs website. Source: CF Jobs Website
  2. CF Career Resources: The CF Community Forum has a dedicated section for CF career resources, including job postings, resume building, and interview preparation. Source: CF Community Forum

Stay tuned for more CF news, updates, and resources!