Certified nursing assistant salary in new jersey

The salary for a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in New Jersey can vary depending on factors such as location, employer, level of experience, and certifications. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for CNAs in New Jersey was $34,440 as of May 2020.

Here are some average salary ranges for CNAs in New Jersey:

Some of the highest-paying cities for CNAs in New Jersey include:

  1. Princeton: $36,000 - $42,000 per year
  2. Morristown: $35,000 - $41,000 per year
  3. Jersey City: $34,000 - $40,000 per year
  4. Newark: $33,000 - $39,000 per year
  5. Edison: $32,000 - $38,000 per year

Some of the lowest-paying cities for CNAs in New Jersey include:

  1. Camden: $29,000 - $35,000 per year
  2. Trenton: $28,000 - $34,000 per year
  3. Paterson: $27,000 - $33,000 per year
  4. Elizabeth: $26,000 - $32,000 per year
  5. Lakewood: $25,000 - $31,000 per year

Keep in mind that these are general salary ranges and can vary depending on the specific employer, facility, and other factors. Additionally, salaries may be higher or lower depending on the specific job duties, certifications, and qualifications of the CNA.