Certificate of incorporation in new york

A Certificate of Incorporation is a legal document that is filed with the New York State Department of State to form a corporation in the state of New York. Here are the general requirements and steps to obtain a Certificate of Incorporation in New York:


  1. The name of the corporation must be unique and distinguishable from other business entities in New York State.
  2. The corporation must have a registered agent and office in New York State.
  3. The corporation must have at least one incorporator who is a natural person or a domestic or foreign corporation.
  4. The corporation must have a minimum authorized capital stock of $10,000.
  5. The corporation must have a corporate purpose, which is the purpose for which the corporation is formed.

Steps to obtain a Certificate of Incorporation:

  1. Choose a name: Choose a unique and distinguishable name for your corporation. Make sure to check if the name is available by searching the New York State Department of State's database.
  2. Prepare the Certificate of Incorporation: Prepare a document that includes the following information:
    • The name of the corporation
    • The purpose of the corporation
    • The name and address of the registered agent
    • The name and address of the incorporators
    • The number of authorized shares of stock
    • The par value of the authorized shares of stock
  3. File the Certificate of Incorporation: File the Certificate of Incorporation with the New York State Department of State, Division of Corporations, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Street, Albany, NY 12231.
  4. Pay the filing fee: The filing fee for a Certificate of Incorporation in New York State is currently $200.
  5. Obtain a Certificate of Incorporation: Once the Certificate of Incorporation is filed and the filing fee is paid, the New York State Department of State will issue a Certificate of Incorporation, which serves as proof that the corporation is officially formed.

Additional Requirements:

  1. Bylaws: The corporation must adopt bylaws, which are the rules and regulations that govern the internal affairs of the corporation.
  2. Initial Stock Certificate: The corporation must issue an initial stock certificate to its initial shareholders.
  3. Tax Identification Number: The corporation must obtain a tax identification number from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  4. Business License: The corporation may need to obtain a business license or permit from the state or local government where it operates.

It's recommended that you consult with an attorney or a business formation service to ensure that your Certificate of Incorporation is properly prepared and filed.