Center for civilians in conflict new york office

The Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) is a non-profit organization that works to protect civilians in armed conflict and promote respect for international humanitarian law. They have an office in New York City, which is located at:

Center for Civilians in Conflict New York Office 1500 Broadway, Suite 1101 New York, NY 10036

Phone: +1 (212) 661-1111 Email: [email protected]

The New York office is responsible for promoting CIVIC's mission and work in the United States and globally. The office works closely with governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders to advocate for policies and practices that protect civilians in armed conflict.

Some of the key areas of focus for the New York office include:

  1. Advocacy: CIVIC's New York office advocates for policies and practices that protect civilians in armed conflict, including the use of precision-guided munitions, the protection of civilians in urban warfare, and the promotion of accountability for violations of international humanitarian law.
  2. Research and Analysis: The office conducts research and analysis on issues related to civilian protection, including the impact of armed conflict on civilians, the effectiveness of military operations in protecting civilians, and the role of technology in civilian protection.
  3. Capacity Building: CIVIC's New York office provides training and capacity-building programs for military personnel, policymakers, and other stakeholders on civilian protection and international humanitarian law.
  4. Public Education: The office works to raise public awareness of the importance of protecting civilians in armed conflict and the impact of armed conflict on civilians.

CIVIC's New York office is led by a Director who is responsible for overseeing the office's work and representing CIVIC in the United States and globally. The office also has a team of staff members who work on various aspects of CIVIC's mission, including advocacy, research, and capacity building.