Cell tower locations in new zealand

Here are some ways to find cell tower locations in New Zealand:

  1. Telecom New Zealand's Cell Site Map: Telecom New Zealand, one of the major mobile network operators in New Zealand, provides a cell site map on their website. You can search for cell towers by location, region, or cell site ID.
  2. 2degrees Cell Site Map: 2degrees, another major mobile network operator in New Zealand, also provides a cell site map on their website. You can search for cell towers by location, region, or cell site ID.
  3. Vodafone New Zealand's Cell Site Map: Vodafone New Zealand, a major mobile network operator in New Zealand, provides a cell site map on their website. You can search for cell towers by location, region, or cell site ID.
  4. OpenSignal's Cell Tower Map: OpenSignal, a company that provides mobile network coverage data, offers a cell tower map for New Zealand. You can search for cell towers by location or zoom in on a map to see the locations of cell towers.
  5. Cell Tower Map NZ: Cell Tower Map NZ is a website that provides a map of cell towers in New Zealand. You can search for cell towers by location, region, or cell site ID.
  6. New Zealand Government's Radio Spectrum Management: The New Zealand Government's Radio Spectrum Management website provides information on cell towers, including their locations, in the form of a database.

Some popular cell tower location databases in New Zealand include:

Please note that some of these resources may require registration or subscription to access the information. Additionally, the accuracy and completeness of the data may vary depending on the source and methodology used to collect the information.