Celestial new moon service

A beautiful and sacred topic!

The Celestial New Moon Service is a powerful and transformative ritual that honors the new moon's arrival, marking the beginning of a new cycle. This service is an opportunity to let go of the past, set intentions for the future, and connect with the divine feminine energy.

Here's a general outline of the service:


  1. Choose a quiet, peaceful space for the ritual.
  2. Set the mood with candles, incense, and soft music.
  3. Gather the following items:
    • A new moon candle or a white candle
    • A small bowl of water
    • A few drops of rose essential oil (optional)
    • A journal or paper for writing intentions
    • A pen or pencil

The Service

  1. Welcome and Intention: Begin by welcoming the new moon and setting your intention for the service. You can say a simple prayer or affirmation, such as: "I welcome the new moon and the opportunity to renew and refresh my spirit."
  2. Candle Lighting: Light the new moon candle, symbolizing the light of the divine feminine. You can say a prayer or affirmation, such as: "May this candle represent the light of the divine feminine, guiding me on my journey."
  3. Water Blessing: Pour a small amount of water from the bowl into your hands, and then sprinkle it over your body, symbolizing purification and renewal. You can say a prayer or affirmation, such as: "May this water purify my body, mind, and spirit, and prepare me for the new cycle."
  4. Rose Essential Oil (optional): If using rose essential oil, anoint your third eye, heart, or crown chakra with a few drops, symbolizing the connection to the divine feminine and the heart.
  5. Intention Setting: Take a few moments to reflect on what you want to manifest in your life. Write down your intentions in your journal or on paper. Be specific and positive, focusing on what you want to create rather than what you want to avoid.
  6. Prayer or Affirmation: Read your intentions aloud, or say a prayer or affirmation, such as: "I intend to manifest [specific intention] in my life, and I trust that the universe will support me on this journey."
  7. Closing: Take a few deep breaths, and then extinguish the candle, symbolizing the completion of the ritual. You can say a simple prayer or affirmation, such as: "Thank you, divine feminine, for guiding me on this journey. May I continue to trust and follow your guidance."

After the Service

  1. Reflection: Take a few moments to reflect on your intentions and how you can manifest them in your life.
  2. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the divine feminine and the new moon's energy.
  3. Integration: Take the intentions you wrote down and place them in a safe place, such as a journal or a special box. Review them regularly to track your progress and stay focused on your goals.

Remember, the Celestial New Moon Service is a personal and sacred ritual. Feel free to modify it to suit your needs and preferences. May the divine feminine guide and support you on your journey!