Celestial church and cherub convention in new york

What an interesting combination!

The Celestial Church of Christ (CCC) is a Christian denomination with a significant presence in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The church was founded in 1947 by Samuel Oshoffa, and it has since grown to become one of the largest Christian denominations in Africa.

As for the Cherub Convention, I couldn't find any information on a specific event or organization by that name in New York. Cherubs are mythical creatures often depicted as half-human, half-bird, and are associated with heaven and divine beings. However, it's possible that the term "Cherub Convention" might be used to describe a gathering or event that celebrates art, music, or spirituality inspired by these creatures.

If you're looking for information on upcoming events or gatherings related to the Celestial Church of Christ or Cherubs in New York, I recommend checking the following sources:

  1. The Celestial Church of Christ's official website or social media channels for information on local events and gatherings.
  2. Local event calendars, such as those found on websites like Eventbrite or Meetup, to see if any events related to the Celestial Church of Christ or Cherubs are scheduled in New York.
  3. Online forums or discussion groups focused on spirituality, Christianity, or art to see if anyone has mentioned any upcoming events or gatherings related to Cherubs or the Celestial Church of Christ.

I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have any further questions!