Celeste medium news and image

Here are some recent news and images related to Celeste, a popular indie platformer game:


  1. Celeste Classic: In October 2020, Matt Makes Games, the developer of Celeste, released a free, open-source version of the game called Celeste Classic. This version is available on GitHub and allows players to modify and distribute the game.
  2. Celeste: Farewell: In November 2020, Matt Makes Games announced that Celeste: Farewell, a free DLC episode for Celeste, would be released on December 3, 2020. The DLC adds new levels, characters, and storylines to the game.
  3. Celeste's Impact on the Gaming Industry: In a 2020 interview with Game Informer, Matt Thorson, the creator of Celeste, discussed the game's impact on the gaming industry, including its influence on the rise of indie games and the importance of representation in games.


Here are some recent images related to Celeste:

  1. Celeste: Farewell Screenshot: A screenshot from Celeste: Farewell, showing the game's new levels and characters.
  2. Celeste Classic Logo: The logo for Celeste Classic, the open-source version of the game.
  3. Celeste's Madeline Character: An image of Madeline, the main character in Celeste, in her various outfits and poses throughout the game.
  4. Celeste's B-Side Levels: A screenshot from Celeste's B-Side levels, which were added to the game as part of the Farewell DLC.

I hope you find these news and images interesting!