Celebrity news and gossip magazines

The guilty pleasure of many! Here's a list of popular celebrity news and gossip magazines:

  1. People Magazine: One of the most widely read celebrity magazines, People covers news, scandals, and human-interest stories about Hollywood's A-list.
  2. Us Weekly: Known for its provocative covers and in-depth reporting, Us Weekly dishes out the latest celebrity news, gossip, and scandals.
  3. National Enquirer: A tabloid staple, the National Enquirer is infamous for its sensationalized headlines and outlandish claims.
  4. Star Magazine: Another popular tabloid, Star Magazine focuses on celebrity news, scandals, and behind-the-scenes gossip.
  5. In Touch Weekly: This magazine offers a mix of celebrity news, gossip, and human-interest stories, with a focus on the personal lives of Hollywood's elite.
  6. Life & Style Weekly: This magazine covers celebrity news, fashion, and lifestyle, with a focus on the personal lives of Hollywood's A-list.
  7. OK! Magazine: A British import, OK! Magazine is known for its celebrity news, gossip, and exclusive interviews.
  8. Celebrity Weekly: A digital-only magazine, Celebrity Weekly offers the latest celebrity news, gossip, and scandals.
  9. Radar Online: A popular online gossip site, Radar Online covers celebrity news, scandals, and breaking stories.
  10. TMZ: A leading online gossip site, TMZ (24/7 News) offers the latest celebrity news, scandals, and breaking stories.

Some notable defunct celebrity magazines include:

  1. Globe Magazine: A tabloid that was known for its sensationalized headlines and outlandish claims.
  2. The Enquirer: A sister publication of the National Enquirer, The Enquirer was also a tabloid that focused on celebrity news and scandals.
  3. Celebrity Sleuth: A magazine that focused on celebrity news, gossip, and scandals, with a focus on the personal lives of Hollywood's elite.

Remember, these magazines often prioritize sensationalism over fact-checking, so take their stories with a grain of salt!