Cee c and tobi current news

CeeC and Tobi are popular Nigerian celebrities, and as such, there may be various news and updates about them circulating online. Here are a few recent news and updates about CeeC and Tobi:

CeeC (Ceecy Nwadiora)

  1. Celebrity Endorsements: CeeC has been involved in several celebrity endorsements, including a recent deal with a popular Nigerian food brand.
  2. Reality TV Show: CeeC is set to star in a new reality TV show, "The Real Housewives of Lagos", which is expected to premiere soon.
  3. Music Career: CeeC has been working on her music career, releasing new singles and collaborating with other artists.

Tobi Bakre

  1. Acting Career: Tobi has been focusing on his acting career, starring in several movies and TV shows, including the popular Nigerian series "Tinsel".
  2. Music Career: Like CeeC, Tobi has also been working on his music career, releasing new singles and collaborating with other artists.
  3. Personal Life: Tobi has been keeping a low profile regarding his personal life, but there have been rumors of a possible relationship with a popular Nigerian actress.

Recent News and Updates

  1. Celebrity Feud: There have been rumors of a feud between CeeC and Tobi, with some fans speculating that the two may have had a falling out due to their differing personalities and career paths.
  2. Social Media Drama: Both CeeC and Tobi have been involved in several social media dramas, with fans and haters alike weighing in on their personal and professional lives.
  3. Philanthropy: Both CeeC and Tobi have been involved in various philanthropic efforts, using their platforms to give back to their communities and support important causes.

Please note that these are just a few recent news and updates about CeeC and Tobi, and there may be more information available online.