Cedar hill yard new haven ct

Cedar Hill Yard is a historic railroad yard located in New Haven, Connecticut. Here are some interesting facts about Cedar Hill Yard:

  1. History: The yard was built in 1872 by the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad (NYNH&H) to serve as a major classification yard for the railroad. It was designed to handle the increasing volume of freight and passenger traffic in the region.
  2. Location: The yard is situated in the Cedar Hill neighborhood of New Haven, near the city's downtown area. It occupies a 120-acre site bounded by Ella T. Grasso Boulevard, State Street, and the New Haven Harbor.
  3. Operations: At its peak in the mid-20th century, Cedar Hill Yard was one of the busiest railroad yards in the United States, with over 1,000 employees and 100 trains passing through daily. The yard was responsible for sorting and storing freight cars, as well as servicing locomotives and passenger trains.
  4. Decline and redevelopment: As the railroad industry declined in the latter half of the 20th century, Cedar Hill Yard's operations began to dwindle. The yard was officially closed in 1990, and much of the property was redeveloped for industrial and commercial use.
  5. Preservation efforts: In the 2000s, local preservationists and historians began advocating for the preservation of the yard's historic structures and significance. In 2011, the yard was added to the National Register of Historic Places, recognizing its importance in the history of American railroading.
  6. Current status: Today, the Cedar Hill Yard site is home to a mix of industrial, commercial, and residential developments. While some of the original railroad structures remain, many have been demolished or repurposed. The yard's historic significance is still celebrated through guided tours and educational programs.

If you're interested in learning more about Cedar Hill Yard or visiting the site, you can contact the New Haven Museum or the Connecticut Department of Transportation for more information.