Cece new girl

Cece Parikh, played by Hannah Simone, is a main character in the popular TV show "New Girl". She is a model and the love interest of the show's main character, Schmidt.

Cece is a strong and confident individual who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is also a bit of a free spirit and is often depicted as being carefree and spontaneous. Despite her tough exterior, she has a soft spot for her friends and is always willing to lend a helping hand.

Throughout the series, Cece's relationship with Schmidt is a central plot point. The two have a complicated history, with Schmidt initially being her boyfriend and later becoming her husband. Their relationship is marked by ups and downs, but they ultimately end up together and get married.

Cece is also a close friend of the other roommates, including Jess, Nick, Winston, and Schmidt. She is often the voice of reason in the group and provides a different perspective on the situations they find themselves in.

Overall, Cece is a beloved character in the "New Girl" universe, known for her sass, her sense of humor, and her unwavering loyalty to her friends.