Cctv 4 china news live

You're looking for CCTV 4 China News Live! Here are a few options to watch CCTV 4 China News Live:

Online Streaming:

  1. CCTV Website: You can watch CCTV 4 China News Live on the official CCTV website: Click on the "Live" tab and select "CCTV 4" to watch the live broadcast.
  2. YouTube: CCTV 4 China News Live is also available on YouTube. You can search for "CCTV 4 China News Live" and watch the live broadcast.
  3. Live TV Streaming Sites: You can also watch CCTV 4 China News Live on live TV streaming sites like TuneIn, Live TV, or Stream2Watch.

Satellite and Cable TV:

  1. CCTV Satellite Feed: If you have a satellite dish, you can receive CCTV 4 China News Live through the following satellite coordinates: 126.0° East, frequency 3840 MHz, symbol rate 27500, and polarization horizontal.
  2. Cable TV: CCTV 4 China News Live is also available on some cable TV networks. Check your local cable TV provider for availability.

Mobile Apps:

  1. CCTV Mobile App: You can download the official CCTV mobile app (available for Android and iOS) and watch CCTV 4 China News Live on your mobile device.
  2. Other Mobile Apps: You can also watch CCTV 4 China News Live on other mobile apps like CMCTV or CCTV 4 Live.

Please note that some of these options may require a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access the content due to geo-restrictions.