Cct news

You're looking for news from the China Central Television (CCTV) network!

CCTV is a state-owned television network in China, and it's one of the most widely watched television networks in the country. Here are some recent news headlines from CCTV:

Top Stories

  1. China's economy grows 6.1% in 2020: CCTV reports that China's economy has achieved a steady growth of 6.1% in 2020, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. China's space station to be completed by 2022: CCTV announces that China's space station, known as Tiantan, is expected to be completed by 2022, marking a major milestone in China's space exploration program.
  3. China's COVID-19 vaccine approved for emergency use: CCTV reports that China's COVID-19 vaccine, developed by the Sinopharm company, has been approved for emergency use in the country, paving the way for its widespread distribution.

International News

  1. China and the US hold high-level trade talks: CCTV reports that China and the US have held high-level trade talks, with both sides expressing optimism about the prospects for a trade deal.
  2. China and Russia sign major energy deal: CCTV announces that China and Russia have signed a major energy deal, with Russia agreeing to supply China with natural gas and oil for the next 20 years.
  3. China's Belt and Road Initiative gains momentum: CCTV reports that China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is gaining momentum, with more countries and companies signing up to participate in the massive infrastructure project.

Domestic News

  1. China's property market shows signs of recovery: CCTV reports that China's property market is showing signs of recovery, with property prices and sales volumes increasing in recent months.
  2. China's education sector sees significant growth: CCTV announces that China's education sector has seen significant growth, with the number of students enrolled in higher education institutions increasing by over 10% in 2020.
  3. China's tourism industry rebounds after COVID-19: CCTV reports that China's tourism industry has rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic, with tourist numbers increasing by over 20% in 2020.

These are just a few of the latest news headlines from CCTV. If you're interested in learning more, I can try to help you find specific articles or news segments!