Cbs news mugabe

Here are some articles and videos from CBS News related to Robert Mugabe:


  1. "Robert Mugabe, former Zimbabwe president, dies at 95" (September 6, 2019) - A CBS News obituary on the life and legacy of Robert Mugabe.
  2. "Mugabe's fall from power: A timeline" (November 15, 2017) - A CBS News article on the events leading up to Mugabe's resignation as President of Zimbabwe.
  3. "Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe refuses to resign" (November 7, 2017) - A CBS News article on Mugabe's refusal to step down as President of Zimbabwe despite growing pressure.


  1. "Robert Mugabe's life in power" (September 6, 2019) - A CBS News video tribute to Mugabe's life and legacy.
  2. "Mugabe's fall from power: A CBS News special report" (November 15, 2017) - A CBS News special report on the events leading up to Mugabe's resignation as President of Zimbabwe.
  3. "Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe: A look back at his career" (November 7, 2017) - A CBS News video on Mugabe's career and legacy.


  1. "Robert Mugabe" - A CBS News profile on Mugabe, including his early life, rise to power, and legacy.
  2. "Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe: A timeline of his life" - A CBS News timeline of Mugabe's life, from his birth in 1924 to his death in 2019.