Cbs news cardib drugging men youtube

It appears that you're referring to a recent controversy surrounding Cardi B and a CBS News report. Here's a summary of the situation:

In a recent interview with CBS News, Cardi B made some comments that sparked controversy. She claimed that she used to drug and rob men who she would meet up with for sex. The comments were made in the context of discussing her past experiences as a stripper and her rise to fame.

The comments were met with widespread criticism, with many people expressing shock and outrage at her claims. Some accused her of glorifying violence and exploitation, while others defended her as a victim of circumstance who was simply sharing her honest experiences.

The controversy has led to a heated debate on social media, with many people weighing in on the issue. Some have called for Cardi B to apologize for her comments, while others have defended her right to share her story.

It's worth noting that the controversy has also sparked a larger conversation about the objectification and exploitation of women, particularly in the sex industry. Many people are calling for greater awareness and support for sex workers who may be vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

In any case, it's clear that the controversy has sparked a lot of discussion and debate, and it will be interesting to see how the situation unfolds in the coming days and weeks.