Cbn news on mmm

You're referring to the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) news coverage on the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God (MRTCG), a cult that gained international attention in the late 1990s.

The MRTCG was a Christian cult that emerged in Uganda in the 1980s and gained a significant following in several African countries. The group was led by a charismatic leader named Credonia Mwerinde, who claimed to have received visions from God to restore the Ten Commandments.

In 1994, the group's leaders predicted that the world would end on January 1, 2000, and that only those who followed their teachings would be saved. Many of their followers, including some who had sold their belongings and given up their jobs, gathered at the group's headquarters in Kanungu, Uganda, to await the predicted apocalypse.

However, when the predicted date passed without incident, many of the followers became disillusioned and began to question the group's teachings. In March 2000, a group of disillusioned followers attempted to leave the compound, but they were prevented from doing so by the group's leaders.

On March 17, 2000, the group's leaders ordered their followers to gather at the compound's church, where they were told that the end of the world was imminent. Instead, the leaders ordered their followers to take poison, claiming that it was a special drink that would give them eternal life. Over 900 people died as a result of the poison, including many children and women.

The incident was widely reported in the media, and it led to a significant backlash against the group. Credonia Mwerinde and her co-leader, Joseph Kibwetere, were eventually arrested and charged with murder. They were later found dead in their cells, allegedly from suicide.

CBN News covered the story extensively, providing in-depth reporting and analysis on the cult's teachings and the tragic events that unfolded. The network's coverage helped to raise awareness about the dangers of cults and the importance of critical thinking and discernment in matters of faith.