Cbn news 700 club

The 700 Club is a Christian news and entertainment program that has been broadcast on television since 1963. It is produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and is hosted by Gordon Robertson, the son of the late Pat Robertson, who founded CBN.

The 700 Club is a daily program that features news, current events, and inspirational stories from around the world. The program also includes interviews with newsmakers, politicians, and celebrities, as well as segments on faith, family, and social issues.

The program is known for its in-depth reporting on a wide range of topics, including politics, education, healthcare, and social justice. The 700 Club also has a strong focus on humanitarian efforts, and often features stories about CBN's charitable work around the world.

Some of the regular segments on The 700 Club include:

The 700 Club is broadcast on television and online, and is available on various platforms including cable, satellite, and streaming services.