Cbn backs labour on new minimum wage

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) supporting the Labour Union's demand for a new minimum wage.

Here's a possible summary:

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has expressed its support for the Labour Union's demand for a new minimum wage. The CBN, in a statement, emphasized the importance of ensuring a decent standard of living for workers and their families. The bank noted that the current minimum wage has not kept pace with inflation and the cost of living, making it difficult for workers to make ends meet.

The CBN's support for the new minimum wage is seen as a significant development, as it adds weight to the Labour Union's demands. The union has been pushing for a new minimum wage to be set at a level that reflects the current economic realities and ensures that workers can afford a decent standard of living.

It's worth noting that the CBN's support for the new minimum wage is not surprising, given the bank's role in promoting economic stability and growth. The bank has been working closely with the government and other stakeholders to address the country's economic challenges, including inflation and unemployment.

Overall, the CBN's support for the new minimum wage is a positive development that could help to improve the living standards of workers and their families.