Cbc news london england

Here are the latest news headlines from CBC News in London, England:

Top Stories

  1. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive for COVID-19: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for COVID-19, his office announced on Friday. Johnson is experiencing mild symptoms and is self-isolating, according to a statement.
  2. London's COVID-19 cases surge as UK government considers new restrictions: The number of COVID-19 cases in London has surged in recent days, with the city's mayor warning that the situation is "serious" and "worrying." The UK government is considering new restrictions to slow the spread of the virus.
  3. UK and EU reach Brexit deal, but Northern Ireland's future remains uncertain: The UK and EU have reached a deal on Brexit, but the future of Northern Ireland remains uncertain. The deal, which was agreed upon on Thursday, sets out the terms of the UK's departure from the EU, but the fate of the Irish border remains unclear.

Regional News

  1. London's transport network faces disruption as Tube workers go on strike: London's transport network is facing disruption today as Tube workers go on strike over pay and conditions. The strike, which is the first in 13 years, is expected to cause significant delays and disruptions to commuters.
  2. London's housing market shows signs of slowing down: London's housing market is showing signs of slowing down, with prices falling and sales volumes declining. The slowdown is attributed to a combination of factors, including Brexit uncertainty and changes to government policies.
  3. London's food scene gets a boost with new restaurant openings: London's food scene is getting a boost with the opening of several new restaurants in the city. The new openings include a range of cuisines, from fine dining to casual eateries.

International News

  1. US and China reach trade deal, but tensions remain: The US and China have reached a trade deal, but tensions between the two countries remain. The deal, which was announced on Thursday, sets out the terms of a new trade agreement between the two countries, but the deal is not without its critics.
  2. Iran's nuclear program sparks international concern: Iran's nuclear program has sparked international concern, with the US and other countries warning that the country's actions could lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
  3. Climate change protests continue around the world: Climate change protests continue around the world, with thousands of people taking to the streets to demand action on the issue. The protests, which are being held in cities across the globe, are calling for governments to take immediate action to address the climate crisis.