Cbc news jobs

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is a public broadcaster that offers a variety of job opportunities in various fields, including journalism, broadcasting, and more. Here are some current job openings at CBC News:

Journalist and Reporter Positions

  1. Reporter, CBC News (Multiple locations): CBC News is seeking experienced reporters to join its team in various locations across Canada.
  2. Journalist, CBC News (Toronto, ON): CBC News is looking for a journalist to cover a variety of topics, including politics, business, and social issues.
  3. Investigative Reporter, CBC News (Vancouver, BC): CBC News is seeking an experienced investigative reporter to join its team in Vancouver.

Broadcasting and Production Positions

  1. Producer, CBC News (Toronto, ON): CBC News is looking for a producer to work on various news programs, including CBC News Network and local news programs.
  2. Editor, CBC News (Ottawa, ON): CBC News is seeking an experienced editor to work on a variety of news programs and digital content.
  3. Technical Director, CBC News (Toronto, ON): CBC News is looking for a technical director to oversee the technical aspects of news broadcasts.

Digital and Online Positions

  1. Digital Journalist, CBC News (Multiple locations): CBC News is seeking digital journalists to create online content, including articles, videos, and social media posts.
  2. Online Editor, CBC News (Toronto, ON): CBC News is looking for an online editor to oversee the online content of CBC News.
  3. Social Media Coordinator, CBC News (Ottawa, ON): CBC News is seeking a social media coordinator to manage the social media presence of CBC News.

Other Positions

  1. Researcher, CBC News (Toronto, ON): CBC News is looking for a researcher to assist with fact-checking and research for news programs.
  2. Audio/Visual Technician, CBC News (Toronto, ON): CBC News is seeking an audio/visual technician to assist with the technical aspects of news broadcasts.
  3. Communications Coordinator, CBC News (Ottawa, ON): CBC News is looking for a communications coordinator to assist with internal and external communications.

These are just a few examples of the many job opportunities available at CBC News. You can search for more job openings on the CBC Careers website or by visiting the CBC News website and clicking on the "Careers" tab.