Cauvery news

Here are some recent news updates related to the Cauvery River:

Latest News:

  1. Cauvery Water Dispute: The Supreme Court has ordered the Karnataka government to release 14.75 TMC (thousand million cubic feet) of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu by September 20. (Source: The Hindu)
  2. Cauvery River Pollution: The Cauvery River has been facing severe pollution issues due to the discharge of untreated sewage and industrial waste from various sources. (Source: The New Indian Express)
  3. Cauvery Water Sharing Dispute: The dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu over the sharing of Cauvery water has been ongoing for decades, with both states claiming rights over the river. (Source: Deccan Herald)

Recent Developments:

  1. Cauvery Water Release: In August 2022, the Karnataka government released 1.5 TMC of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu, which was seen as a positive step towards resolving the long-standing dispute. (Source: The Times of India)
  2. Cauvery River Revival: The Cauvery River Revival Project, launched by the Tamil Nadu government, aims to restore the river's ecological balance and improve its water quality. (Source: The Hindu)
  3. Cauvery Water Conservation: The Karnataka government has launched a water conservation program to reduce water wastage and promote efficient use of Cauvery water. (Source: Deccan Herald)


The Cauvery River is a vital water source for both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, with the two states sharing the river's waters under the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal (CWDT) agreement. The dispute over the sharing of Cauvery water has been ongoing since the 1990s, with both states claiming rights over the river. The Supreme Court has intervened several times to resolve the dispute, but the issue remains unresolved.

Key Issues:

  1. Water Sharing: The main issue is the sharing of Cauvery water between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, with both states claiming rights over the river.
  2. Pollution: The Cauvery River is facing severe pollution issues due to the discharge of untreated sewage and industrial waste from various sources.
  3. Water Conservation: The efficient use of Cauvery water is crucial to resolve the dispute and ensure the river's sustainability.

I hope this information helps!