Causes of haemorrhagic diease of the new born

Hemorrhagic diseases of the newborn, also known as bleeding disorders of the newborn, are a group of conditions that occur in newborns and are characterized by bleeding or bruising due to defects in blood clotting. Here are some of the causes of hemorrhagic diseases of the newborn:

  1. Vitamin K deficiency: Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. Newborns may not have enough vitamin K, which can lead to bleeding disorders.
  2. Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB): This is a type of bleeding disorder that occurs in newborns who are deficient in vitamin K. It can cause bleeding in the brain, liver, and other organs.
  3. Factor VII deficiency: Factor VII is a protein that helps blood to clot. Deficiency of factor VII can cause bleeding disorders.
  4. Factor IX deficiency: Factor IX is another protein that helps blood to clot. Deficiency of factor IX can cause bleeding disorders.
  5. Factor X deficiency: Factor X is a protein that helps blood to clot. Deficiency of factor X can cause bleeding disorders.
  6. Prothrombin deficiency: Prothrombin is a protein that helps blood to clot. Deficiency of prothrombin can cause bleeding disorders.
  7. Fibrinogen deficiency: Fibrinogen is a protein that helps blood to clot. Deficiency of fibrinogen can cause bleeding disorders.
  8. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC): DIC is a condition in which the blood clotting system becomes overactive and causes widespread clotting and bleeding.
  9. Thrombocytopenia: Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which there are not enough platelets in the blood. Platelets are important for blood clotting.
  10. Inherited bleeding disorders: Some bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia A and B, are inherited and can cause bleeding disorders in newborns.
  11. Maternal factors: Maternal factors, such as maternal bleeding disorders or the use of certain medications during pregnancy, can increase the risk of hemorrhagic diseases in newborns.
  12. Fetal factors: Fetal factors, such as fetal distress or fetal bleeding, can increase the risk of hemorrhagic diseases in newborns.
  13. Premature birth: Premature birth can increase the risk of hemorrhagic diseases in newborns.
  14. Low birth weight: Low birth weight can increase the risk of hemorrhagic diseases in newborns.
  15. Multiple gestation: Multiple gestation, such as twins or triplets, can increase the risk of hemorrhagic diseases in newborns.

It's important to note that many of these causes can be prevented or treated with proper medical care. If you have concerns about your newborn's bleeding or bruising, it's important to speak with your healthcare provider.