Catholicism and new evangelization pdf

Here are a few PDFs related to Catholicism and the New Evangelization:

  1. The New Evangelization: A Call to Holiness by Pope Francis (2013)

This document is a papal exhortation that outlines the Church's vision for the New Evangelization. It emphasizes the importance of holiness, the role of the laity, and the need for a renewed focus on evangelization.

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  1. The Joy of the Gospel: Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis (2013)

This is the same document as above, but in a more concise format.

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  1. The New Evangelization: A Guide for the Laity by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (2012)

This document provides an overview of the New Evangelization and its importance for the laity. It also offers practical suggestions for how to live out the New Evangelization in daily life.

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  1. The New Evangelization: A Call to Action by the Catholic Apostolate Center (2013)

This document provides an overview of the New Evangelization and its importance for the Church. It also offers practical suggestions for how to live out the New Evangelization in daily life.

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  1. The New Evangelization: A Theological and Practical Guide by Dr. Scott Hahn (2013)

This document provides a theological and practical guide to the New Evangelization. It covers topics such as the importance of evangelization, the role of the laity, and the need for a renewed focus on evangelization.

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I hope these resources are helpful!