Catholic news today

Here are some of the top Catholic news stories from around the world today:

Vatican News

  1. Pope Francis appoints new Secretary of State: Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin as the new Secretary of State, replacing Cardinal Pietro Parolin. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Vatican announces new canonization process: The Vatican has announced a new process for canonizing saints, which will include a more streamlined and efficient process. (Source: Vatican News)

US Catholic News

  1. US bishops urge Congress to pass immigration reform: The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has urged Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, citing the need to protect the rights of migrants and refugees. (Source: Catholic News Service)
  2. Catholic Charities USA launches new initiative to support migrant families: Catholic Charities USA has launched a new initiative to support migrant families, providing resources and services to help them integrate into their new communities. (Source: Catholic News Service)

International Catholic News

  1. Pope Francis meets with Russian Orthodox Patriarch: Pope Francis met with Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Havana, Cuba, in a historic meeting aimed at improving relations between the two churches. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  2. Catholic Church in China celebrates 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations: The Catholic Church in China is celebrating the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and China, marking a significant milestone in the history of Catholic-Chinese relations. (Source: AsiaNews)

Other Catholic News

  1. New study finds Catholic schools outperform public schools: A new study has found that Catholic schools outperform public schools in terms of academic achievement, citing the importance of faith-based education. (Source: National Catholic Register)
  2. Catholic priest becomes first to be ordained in space: A Catholic priest has become the first to be ordained in space, celebrating Mass on the International Space Station. (Source: Catholic News Agency)

These are just a few of the top Catholic news stories from around the world today.