Catholic news online

Here are some popular Catholic news online sources:

  1. Catholic News Agency (CNA): A leading source of Catholic news, featuring articles, videos, and podcasts on topics such as Vatican news, Church teachings, and global Catholic news.
  2. National Catholic Reporter: A progressive Catholic news organization that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on social justice and advocacy.
  3. The Catholic Herald: A UK-based Catholic newspaper that covers news, features, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on the UK and international Catholic news.
  4. America Magazine: A Jesuit publication that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on social justice, spirituality, and culture.
  5. The Tablet: A UK-based Catholic newspaper that covers news, features, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on the UK and international Catholic news.
  6. Catholic World News: A news organization that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on the Vatican, Church teachings, and global Catholic news.
  7. Zenit: A news organization that covers news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic issues, with a focus on the Vatican, Church teachings, and global Catholic news.
  8. The Catholic Register: A Canadian Catholic newspaper that covers news, features, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on Canadian and international Catholic news.
  9. Catholic News Service (CNS): A news organization that provides news and features on Catholic issues, with a focus on the Vatican, Church teachings, and global Catholic news.
  10. The Pilot: A Boston-based Catholic newspaper that covers news, features, and analysis on Catholic issues, with a focus on the Boston Archdiocese and national Catholic news.

These are just a few examples of the many Catholic news online sources available. You can also search for Catholic news websites and blogs specific to your region or diocese for more localized coverage.