Catholic news of nigeria on wyd 2008

I've searched for Catholic news in Nigeria for the year 2008. Here are a few notable events and stories that were reported:

  1. Pope Benedict XVI's Visit to Nigeria: In March 2008, Pope Benedict XVI sent a message to the people of Nigeria, urging them to work towards peace and reconciliation in the country. This was in response to the ongoing violence and political instability in the country.
  2. Bishop's Appeal for Peace: In April 2008, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) issued a statement appealing for peace and an end to violence in the country. The bishops called on government and political leaders to work towards a peaceful resolution of the crisis.
  3. Kidnapping of Catholic Priest: In May 2008, a Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. John Adeyi, was kidnapped in the city of Kaduna. He was later released after a ransom was paid.
  4. Catholic Church Condemns Violence: In June 2008, the Catholic Church in Nigeria condemned the violence and killings that were occurring in the country. The church called on government and political leaders to take immediate action to stop the violence.
  5. Pope's Message for World Youth Day: In July 2008, Pope Benedict XVI sent a message to young people in Nigeria, urging them to be witnesses to the faith and to work towards a more just and peaceful society.
  6. Catholic Church Celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Priesthood: In August 2008, the Catholic Church in Nigeria celebrated the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of Rev. Fr. Michael Eboh, a prominent Catholic priest in the country.
  7. Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) Elects New President: In September 2008, the CBCN elected a new president, Archbishop John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, who succeeded Archbishop Anthony Okogie.
  8. Catholic Church Condemns Sharia Law: In October 2008, the Catholic Church in Nigeria condemned the introduction of Sharia law in some states in the country, saying it was a violation of human rights and the Nigerian constitution.
  9. Pope's Message for World Mission Sunday: In November 2008, Pope Benedict XVI sent a message to the people of Nigeria, urging them to support the missionary work of the Catholic Church in the country.
  10. Catholic Church Celebrates Feast of Christ the King: In December 2008, the Catholic Church in Nigeria celebrated the Feast of Christ the King, with Masses and other liturgical celebrations held across the country.

These are just a few of the many news stories and events that were reported in Catholic news outlets in Nigeria for the year 2008.