Catholic news agency pope francis god made you gay

You're referring to a recent news article from the Catholic News Agency (CNA) that reported on a statement made by Pope Francis regarding LGBTQ+ individuals.

According to the article, Pope Francis said that God "made you gay" and that "homosexuals are children of God" during an in-flight press conference on July 28, 2021. The Pope was returning from a trip to Africa and was asked about his views on LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Pope's statement was seen as a significant shift in tone and language from the Catholic Church, which has historically been criticized for its treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals. The Church's official teaching is that same-sex attraction is "objectively disordered" and that homosexual acts are "intrinsically evil."

However, Pope Francis has been known for his more compassionate and inclusive approach to LGBTQ+ issues. In 2013, he famously said that the Church should "stop thinking that the problem is homophobia" and that "the problem is the way we have treated the gay community."

The Pope's latest statement is seen as a further indication of his desire to promote greater understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals within the Church. While the Church's official teaching on same-sex relationships has not changed, the Pope's words are likely to be seen as a positive step forward by many LGBTQ+ Catholics and their allies.

It's worth noting that the Pope's statement was not a formal teaching or a change in Church doctrine, but rather a personal reflection and a call to greater compassion and understanding.