Catholic new year prayer

Here are a few Catholic New Year prayers and blessings:

Prayer for the New Year

Dear God, as we welcome a new year, we come before you with gratitude and hope. We thank you for the blessings of the past year and ask for your guidance and protection in the year ahead.

May this new year be a time of growth, renewal, and joy for us and for all people. May we use our talents and resources to serve others and to build your kingdom.

We pray for peace, justice, and love to reign in our hearts and in the world. May we be good stewards of the earth and its resources, and may we work together to create a more just and compassionate society.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.

Blessing for the New Year

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

May this new year be a time of blessing and joy for you and your loved ones. May you experience God's love and presence in every moment, and may you be a source of love and light to those around you.

May you be blessed with good health, happiness, and success. May you be blessed with wisdom, courage, and strength. May you be blessed with peace, love, and joy.

May this new year be a time of growth, renewal, and transformation for you. May you be open to the Holy Spirit's guidance and direction, and may you be willing to follow God's will for your life.

May you be blessed, dear God, and may you be a blessing to others. Amen.

Prayer for the New Year from the Catholic Encyclopedia

O God, who hast made us to thy own image and likeness, and hast redeemed us by the precious blood of thy Son, grant us, we beseech thee, a happy and holy new year.

May this year be a time of spiritual growth and renewal for us, a time when we may draw closer to thee and thy sacred heart. May we be faithful to our duties, and may we use our talents and resources to serve thee and our neighbor.

May we be blessed with good health, happiness, and success, and may we be a source of love and light to those around us. May we be mindful of the poor and the needy, and may we do our part to alleviate their suffering.

May this new year be a time of peace and harmony for us and for all people. May we be guided by thy wisdom and love, and may we be united in our love for thee and for one another.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen.