Catholic lawyers guild new york

The Catholic Lawyers Guild of New York (CLGNY) is a professional organization of Catholic lawyers and judges in the state of New York. Here are some key facts about the organization:

Mission: The CLGNY's mission is to promote the values of the Catholic faith among lawyers and judges in New York, while also providing a forum for socializing, networking, and professional development.

History: The CLGNY was founded in 1934 by a group of Catholic lawyers who wanted to provide a sense of community and support for fellow Catholic lawyers in the state.

Membership: The CLGNY has over 1,000 members, including lawyers, judges, and law students. Membership is open to anyone who is a member of the Catholic Church and is licensed to practice law in New York.

Activities: The CLGNY hosts various events and activities throughout the year, including:

Committees: The CLGNY has several committees that focus on specific areas of interest, including:

Affiliations: The CLGNY is affiliated with the National Catholic Lawyers Guild, which is a national organization of Catholic lawyers and judges.

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