Catholic good news bible psalms 32

Here is Psalm 32 from the Catholic Good News Bible:

Psalm 32

  1. Blessed is he whose fault is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
  2. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute guilt, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
  3. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away, through my groaning all day long.
  4. For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.
  5. Then I acknowledged my fault to you, my sin I did not hide. I said, "I turn to you; have mercy on me!"
  6. You are good and forgiving, abundant in love to all who call on you.
  7. You hide your face, and I am troubled; I say to you, "You do not care about me."
  8. But you heard my plea when I cried out to you.
  9. You gave me room to grieve, but you did not leave me to despair.
  10. You have taken away the guilt of my sin.
  11. Therefore let all the godly exult, because of what you have done.
  12. Let them praise your name, O Lord, for you have chosen and brought me out of the depths.
  13. You have guided me along the path of your commands, for your name's sake.
  14. I will walk in your truth, my heart rejoicing, all the way of your commandments.
  15. I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart, and tell of all your wonders.
  16. I will be glad and rejoice in you, and will sing your praise with my lips.

This psalm is a beautiful expression of the joy and relief that comes from confessing one's sins and receiving forgiveness from God. The psalmist acknowledges their guilt and sin, and then expresses gratitude for God's mercy and forgiveness. The psalm ends with a declaration of praise and joy, as the psalmist looks forward to walking in God's truth and following His commandments.