Catholic good news bible online

The Catholic Good News Bible, also known as the Good News Bible (GNB), is a translation of the Bible that is widely used by Catholics and other Christians. Here are a few ways you can access the Catholic Good News Bible online:

  1. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway is a popular online Bible study website that offers the Catholic Good News Bible in various formats, including HTML, PDF, and e-book. You can search, read, and compare different translations, including the GNB.
  2. USCCB: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) offers the Catholic Good News Bible online, along with other Catholic Bibles and study resources. You can access the GNB by visiting their website and clicking on "Bible" under the "Resources" tab.
  3. New American Bible: The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation that is similar to the Good News Bible. You can access the NAB online through the USCCB website or through various online Bible study platforms.
  4. BibleHub: BibleHub is a comprehensive online Bible study website that offers multiple translations, including the Catholic Good News Bible. You can search, read, and compare different translations, as well as access study resources and commentaries.
  5. Google Books: You can also find the Catholic Good News Bible on Google Books, where you can preview and read selected passages online.

Remember to always verify the accuracy of any online Bible translation or study resource with a reliable Catholic source, such as the USCCB or a Catholic Bible study guide.