Catherinesenior school new castle co

Catherine Senior School is a co-educational independent school located in Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England. Here are some key facts about the school:

History: The school was founded in 1884 by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, a Catholic order of nuns. It was originally a girls' school, but in 1974, it became a co-educational institution.

Curriculum: Catherine Senior School offers a broad curriculum to students aged 11-18, including GCSEs, A-levels, and BTECs. The school has a strong focus on academic achievement, as well as extracurricular activities and personal development.

Facilities: The school has a range of modern facilities, including state-of-the-art classrooms, science laboratories, a library, a sports hall, and playing fields.

Extracurricular activities: Catherine Senior School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music and drama clubs, and community service projects.

Awards and recognition: The school has a strong track record of academic achievement, with students regularly achieving high grades in GCSEs and A-levels. The school has also been recognized for its commitment to community service and social responsibility.

Admissions: The school accepts students from a range of backgrounds and has a diverse student body. Admissions are based on academic ability, as well as personal qualities and potential.

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