Category twitter trends

Here are some popular Twitter trends:

Global Trends

  1. #Coronavirus: Updates and news about the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. #Politics: News and discussions about current political events and issues.
  3. #Sports: Live updates, scores, and news about various sports and teams.
  4. #Music: New music releases, concerts, and music festivals.
  5. #Movies: New movie releases, trailers, and celebrity news.

Entertainment Trends

  1. #GameOfThrones: News, theories, and reactions to the popular HBO series.
  2. #TheWalkingDead: Updates, spoilers, and discussions about the AMC series.
  3. #StrangerThings: News, theories, and reactions to the Netflix series.
  4. #KPop: News, music releases, and fan art about K-pop groups.
  5. #Gaming: News, updates, and discussions about video games and gaming culture.

Social Justice Trends

  1. #BlackLivesMatter: News, updates, and discussions about racial justice and police brutality.
  2. #MeToo: News, updates, and discussions about sexual harassment and assault.
  3. #ClimateChange: News, updates, and discussions about environmental issues and sustainability.
  4. #LGBTQ+: News, updates, and discussions about LGBTQ+ rights and issues.
  5. #WomenEmpowerment: News, updates, and discussions about women's rights and empowerment.

Technology Trends

  1. #AI: News, updates, and discussions about artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  2. #Blockchain: News, updates, and discussions about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
  3. #Gadgets: News, reviews, and discussions about new gadgets and technology.
  4. #Cybersecurity: News, updates, and discussions about online security and hacking.
  5. #InternetOfThings: News, updates, and discussions about IoT devices and smart homes.

Other Trends

  1. #Foodie: News, recipes, and discussions about food and cooking.
  2. #Travel: News, updates, and discussions about travel and tourism.
  3. #Fashion: News, updates, and discussions about fashion and beauty.
  4. #Wellness: News, updates, and discussions about health and wellness.
  5. #Education: News, updates, and discussions about education and learning.

Note: These are just a few examples of popular Twitter trends and are subject to change over time.