Category travel tourism

Here are some subcategories related to travel and tourism:

Types of Travel

  1. Adventure travel
  2. Backpacking
  3. Business travel
  4. Cultural travel
  5. Eco-tourism
  6. Food and wine travel
  7. Luxury travel
  8. Road trips
  9. Solo travel
  10. Sustainable travel


  1. Beach destinations
  2. City breaks
  3. Cultural heritage sites
  4. National parks
  5. Nature reserves
  6. Ski resorts
  7. Theme parks
  8. Urban exploration
  9. Wildlife sanctuaries
  10. World heritage sites

Travel Activities

  1. Adventure activities (e.g. bungee jumping, skydiving)
  2. Cultural experiences (e.g. cooking classes, language lessons)
  3. Outdoor activities (e.g. hiking, camping)
  4. Relaxation and wellness (e.g. spas, yoga retreats)
  5. Sports and games (e.g. golf, tennis)
  6. Water activities (e.g. scuba diving, surfing)

Travel Planning

  1. Budget travel
  2. Destination guides
  3. Itinerary planning
  4. Packing tips
  5. Travel insurance
  6. Travel tips and advice
  7. Visa requirements

Travel Technology

  1. Booking platforms (e.g. Expedia,
  2. GPS navigation
  3. Hotel booking apps
  4. Language translation apps
  5. Mobile travel apps
  6. Online travel agencies (OTAs)
  7. Travel blogs and forums

Travel Industry

  1. Airlines
  2. Cruise lines
  3. Hotel chains
  4. Tour operators
  5. Travel agencies
  6. Travel associations
  7. Travel insurance companies

Travel Safety and Security

  1. Border control
  2. Crime prevention
  3. Emergency services
  4. Health and medical concerns
  5. Safety tips and advice
  6. Travel alerts and warnings
  7. Visa requirements and regulations

These are just some examples of subcategories related to travel and tourism. Let me know if you'd like me to add or expand on any of these categories!