Category crime
Here are some subcategories related to crime:
- Types of Crime:
- Murder
- Assault
- Theft
- Robbery
- Burglary
- Fraud
- Embezzlement
- Cybercrime
- Drug-related crime
- Crime Investigation:
- Forensic science
- Crime scene investigation
- DNA analysis
- Fingerprints
- Surveillance
- Interrogation
- Law Enforcement:
- Police departments
- Sheriffs' departments
- Federal law enforcement agencies (e.g. FBI, DEA)
- Border patrol
- Immigration enforcement
- Criminal Justice System:
- Courts
- Prosecution
- Defense attorneys
- Juries
- Sentencing
- Prisons
- Probation
- Crime Prevention:
- Community policing
- Neighborhood watch
- Crime prevention programs
- Safety tips
- Self-defense
- Cybercrime:
- Hacking
- Identity theft
- Phishing
- Ransomware
- Online fraud
- Cyberstalking
- Organized Crime:
- Mafia
- Gangs
- Drug cartels
- Human trafficking
- Money laundering
- White-Collar Crime:
- Corporate fraud
- Securities fraud
- Insider trading
- Embezzlement
- Bribery
- Juvenile Crime:
- Juvenile delinquency
- Youth crime
- Juvenile justice system
- International Crime:
- Transnational crime
- International law enforcement
- Extradition
- Interpol
These are just some examples of subcategories related to crime. Let me know if you have any specific questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!