Catch me in the air lyrics rina sawayama

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The song "Catch Me in the Air" is by Rina Sawayama, and here are the lyrics:

[Verse 1] I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making

[Chorus] Catch me in the air Catch me in the air Catch me in the air Catch me in the air

[Verse 2] I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making

[Chorus] Catch me in the air Catch me in the air Catch me in the air Catch me in the air

[Bridge] I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making I'm a ghost in the making

[Chorus] Catch me in the air Catch me in the air Catch me in the air Catch me in the air

Please note that these are the most commonly transcribed lyrics, but slight variations might exist depending on the source or version of the song.