Catalonia spanish court jails two key pro independence leaders #

You're referring to the recent news about the sentencing of two prominent pro-independence leaders in Catalonia, Spain.

On Monday, October 14, 2020, the Spanish Supreme Court sentenced two key leaders of the Catalan independence movement to prison:

  1. Oriol Junqueras: The former Vice President of the Catalan Government, Oriol Junqueras, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for sedition, embezzlement, and misuse of public funds. Junqueras was a key figure in the 2017 Catalan independence referendum and was accused of leading the separatist movement.
  2. Jordi Sànchez: The former President of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), Jordi Sànchez, was sentenced to 9 years in prison for sedition and rebellion. Sànchez was a prominent figure in the independence movement and was accused of organizing protests and rallies in support of Catalan independence.

The sentences were handed down after a lengthy trial that began in February 2020. The prosecution argued that the two leaders had incited violence and disobeyed the Spanish government during the 2017 independence referendum, which was declared illegal by the Spanish authorities.

The verdict has sparked widespread protests and outrage in Catalonia, with many calling for the release of the two leaders and condemning the Spanish government's handling of the situation. The Catalan government has also condemned the sentences, calling them "politically motivated" and "a blow to democracy."

The situation remains tense, with many in Catalonia feeling that the Spanish government is cracking down on their right to self-determination. The independence movement in Catalonia has been ongoing for decades, and the recent sentences have only added fuel to the fire.