Castro ghana latest news 2018

Here are some of the latest news updates about Castro, a Ghanaian musician who went missing in 2014:

Latest News (2018)

  1. Castro's Family Still Searching for Answers: In an interview with Graphic Online in August 2018, Castro's mother, Adoma Castro, expressed her frustration and sadness about the lack of progress in the investigation into her son's disappearance. She appealed to the government to help find her son, saying "I'm still searching for my son, and I won't rest until I find him."
  2. New Leads in the Investigation: In July 2018, the Ghana Police Service announced that they had received new leads in the investigation into Castro's disappearance. The police said they were following up on a tip that Castro might have been seen in a hotel in the Central Region of Ghana.
  3. Castro's Manager Speaks Out: In an interview with Pulse Ghana in June 2018, Castro's manager, Ernest Blohey, expressed his disappointment and frustration about the lack of progress in the investigation. He said that the family was still hopeful that Castro would be found alive and that they would continue to search for him until they got answers.
  4. Castro's Fans Still Holding On to Hope: In an interview with GhanaWeb in May 2018, Castro's fans expressed their hope that their favorite musician would be found alive. They said that they still believed that Castro was alive and that they would continue to support his family until he was found.

Previous News (2017-2018)

  1. Castro's Family Marks 3 Years of His Disappearance: In July 2017, Castro's family marked three years since his disappearance. They held a memorial service to honor his memory and appealed to the government to help find him.
  2. Police Still Investigating Castro's Disappearance: In June 2017, the Ghana Police Service announced that they were still investigating Castro's disappearance. They said that they were following up on several leads and were working to find out what happened to him.
  3. Castro's Manager Calls for Help: In May 2017, Castro's manager, Ernest Blohey, called on the government and the public to help find his missing client. He said that the family was still searching for answers and that they needed help to find Castro.


Castro, whose real name is Theophilus Tagoe, was a Ghanaian musician who went missing on July 6, 2014, while on vacation with his friends at a beach resort in Ada, Ghana. He was 26 years old at the time of his disappearance. Despite numerous investigations and searches, Castro's whereabouts remain unknown, and his family is still searching for answers.