Cast new light on

A great idiom!

"Cast new light on" is a phrase that means to shed new understanding, insight, or perspective on a topic, issue, or situation. It's like holding up a flashlight to illuminate a dark area, revealing new details or aspects that were previously hidden or unclear.

Here are some examples of how you might use this phrase:

  1. "The new research has cast new light on the causes of the disease, leading to a breakthrough in treatment."
  2. "The documentary series cast new light on the historical events, revealing previously unknown facts and perspectives."
  3. "The company's transparency initiative has cast new light on their business practices, improving their reputation and trust with customers."
  4. "The artist's latest exhibition has cast new light on the cultural significance of her work, sparking a renewed interest in her art."
  5. "The investigation has cast new light on the scandal, revealing a web of corruption and deceit that went all the way to the top."

In each of these examples, the phrase "cast new light on" suggests that something has been revealed or made clear that was previously unclear or unknown. It's a powerful way to describe the process of gaining new understanding or insight, and it can be used in a variety of contexts, from science and history to art and business.