Cassie new baby

Congratulations to Cassie Ventura, the American singer, songwriter, and actress, on the arrival of her new baby!

According to reports, Cassie and her husband, Alex Fine, welcomed their second child, a baby boy, on March 15, 2022. This is their second child together, after their daughter, Frankie Fine, was born in December 2019.

Cassie has been keeping her fans updated on her pregnancy journey on social media, sharing adorable photos and updates about her growing belly. It's clear that she's been loving every moment of this new chapter in her life.

As a new mom of two, Cassie is likely adjusting to life with two little ones, but it's clear that she's embracing the challenges and joys of motherhood. We're sending all our love and congratulations to Cassie and her family on this exciting new addition!