Cartier brand new gay rapper

You're referring to Cartier, the American rapper who has gained popularity for his unique style and lyrics that often touch on themes of his experiences as a gay man in the hip-hop industry.

Cartier, whose real name is Cartier Lamar Williams, was born in 1994 in Atlanta, Georgia. He began his music career in the early 2010s, releasing mixtapes and singles that gained traction online. However, it wasn't until the release of his debut album "Youngest in Charge" in 2017 that he started to gain widespread recognition.

Cartier's music often blends elements of trap and drill with his own personal experiences and perspectives as a gay man. His lyrics often touch on themes of identity, sexuality, and the challenges he faced growing up in the hip-hop industry as an openly gay artist.

Cartier has been praised for his unique style and his willingness to speak openly about his experiences as a gay man in the hip-hop industry. He has been featured in publications such as The Fader, Complex, and Billboard, and has performed at festivals such as Coachella and Rolling Loud.

Despite the challenges he has faced, Cartier remains committed to his music and his message of self-acceptance and empowerment. He continues to release new music and tour, inspiring a new generation of young people who are looking for representation and role models in the hip-hop industry.

Here are some of Cartier's most popular songs:

If you're interested in learning more about Cartier or listening to his music, I recommend checking out his official website or streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music.