Cartels running commercial banks in nigeria senate

I think there may be some misinformation or sensationalism going on here.

To clarify, there is no credible evidence to suggest that cartels are running commercial banks in Nigeria or that the Nigerian Senate has made any such allegations.

The Nigerian Senate is a legislative body responsible for making laws and overseeing the government's activities. While the Senate may have oversight responsibilities over the banking sector, there is no record of any such allegations or investigations into cartels running commercial banks in Nigeria.

It's important to note that the banking sector in Nigeria is regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the National Assembly, which includes the Senate. The CBN is responsible for ensuring the stability and soundness of the banking system, while the National Assembly has oversight responsibilities over the CBN and the banking sector.

If there were any concerns or allegations about cartels running commercial banks in Nigeria, it's likely that the CBN, the National Assembly, or other relevant authorities would have taken action to address the issue.

It's always important to verify information through credible sources before sharing or believing it.