Cars co ltd new york usa scam

I've found some information about Cars Co Ltd, New York, USA, and the potential scam associated with it.

Background: Cars Co Ltd is a company registered in New York, USA, with a business address in Manhattan. The company claims to be a car dealership and exporter, offering a wide range of vehicles for sale.

Red Flags: Several online reviews and complaints have been filed against Cars Co Ltd, indicating that the company may be involved in a scam. Here are some red flags:

  1. Fake website: Cars Co Ltd has a website ( that appears to be fake, with poor grammar, spelling errors, and a lack of transparency about the company's ownership and operations.
  2. Unresponsive customer service: Many customers have reported difficulty in contacting the company's customer service, with phone numbers and email addresses not working or being unattended.
  3. Overpriced vehicles: Cars Co Ltd is known to offer vehicles at significantly higher prices than market value, which may be a sign of a scam.
  4. No physical address: Despite being registered in New York, the company's physical address is not publicly available, which raises suspicions about its legitimacy.
  5. Negative reviews: Online reviews from customers who have dealt with Cars Co Ltd are overwhelmingly negative, with complaints about poor communication, delayed or non-delivery of vehicles, and difficulty in getting refunds.

Warning: It's essential to exercise extreme caution when dealing with Cars Co Ltd or any other company that exhibits these red flags. If you're considering purchasing a vehicle from this company, I strongly advise against it.

What to do:

  1. Verify the company's legitimacy: Check the company's registration with the New York State Department of State and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to ensure it's a legitimate business.
  2. Research the company's reputation: Look for reviews and complaints from other customers to get a sense of the company's reputation and reliability.
  3. Be wary of overpriced vehicles: If the prices offered by Cars Co Ltd seem too good to be true, they probably are.
  4. Don't send money without a physical inspection: Never send money to a company without inspecting the vehicle in person and verifying its condition and authenticity.

Remember, it's always better to err on the side of caution when dealing with online transactions, especially when it comes to purchasing vehicles.