Carrying a new born on a plane

Carrying a newborn on a plane can be a bit challenging, but with some preparation and planning, it can be a relatively smooth experience. Here are some tips to help you navigate flying with a newborn:

Before the Flight

  1. Check with your airline: Inform your airline about your newborn's age and any special requirements you may have. Some airlines offer special services for newborns, such as bassinets or extra legroom seats.
  2. Book a suitable seat: Choose a seat with more legroom or consider booking a bassinet seat (if available) to ensure your newborn has enough space to lie down.
  3. Pack essentials: Bring a diaper bag with essentials like diapers, wipes, formula, and a change of clothes for your newborn.
  4. Check the weather: Check the weather forecast for your destination and pack accordingly. You may need to dress your newborn in layers for temperature control.

During the Flight

  1. Use a baby carrier: Consider using a baby carrier to keep your newborn close and comfortable during the flight.
  2. Take turns with your partner: If you're traveling with a partner, take turns holding or carrying your newborn to give each other a break.
  3. Use a pacifier or bottle: Sucking on a pacifier or bottle can help soothe your newborn during takeoff and landing.
  4. Keep your newborn upright: During takeoff and landing, keep your newborn in an upright position to help with ear pressure.
  5. Be prepared for turbulence: Turbulence can be unsettling for newborns. Be prepared to comfort your baby and keep them secure during these periods.

Additional Tips

  1. Consider a travel stroller: If you have a travel stroller, consider bringing it to the airport and using it to transport your newborn through the airport.
  2. Use a baby blanket or swaddle: A baby blanket or swaddle can help keep your newborn warm and comfortable during the flight.
  3. Be prepared for delays: Delays can happen, so be prepared with extra diapers, formula, and a change of clothes.
  4. Take advantage of airport amenities: Many airports offer baby-changing facilities, nursing rooms, and play areas. Take advantage of these amenities to make your travel experience easier.

After the Flight

  1. Take your time: After the flight, take your time to settle your newborn and adjust to the new environment.
  2. Use a baby monitor: If you're staying in a hotel, consider using a baby monitor to keep an eye on your newborn while you're in another room.
  3. Get plenty of rest: Traveling with a newborn can be exhausting. Make sure to get plenty of rest and take breaks when you need them.

By following these tips, you can help make your flight with a newborn a successful and enjoyable experience. Happy travels!