Cargo rates from abuja to new york

Cargo rates from Abuja, Nigeria to New York, USA can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the type of cargo, its weight, dimensions, and the shipping method chosen. Here are some general estimates of cargo rates from Abuja to New York:

Air Freight:

Ocean Freight:

Express Courier Services:

Please note that these are rough estimates and actual rates may vary depending on the shipping company, the type of cargo, and the level of service required. It's always best to get a quote from a shipping company or freight forwarder for a more accurate estimate.

Additionally, you may need to consider other costs such as:

It's also important to note that cargo rates from Abuja to New York may be affected by factors such as:

To get a more accurate estimate, I recommend contacting a shipping company or freight forwarder that specializes in international cargo shipping from Nigeria to the United States.