Cardinal tagle news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle:

Recent News

  1. Cardinal Tagle's new role: In October 2020, Pope Francis appointed Cardinal Tagle as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, a key role in the Vatican's missionary efforts. (Source: Vatican News)
  2. Philippine bishops' meeting: In November 2020, Cardinal Tagle met with the bishops of the Philippines to discuss the country's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues affecting the Church. (Source: CBCP News)
  3. Vatican's COVID-19 response: Cardinal Tagle has been involved in the Vatican's efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the distribution of vaccines and medical supplies to countries in need. (Source: Vatican News)

Previous News

  1. Cardinal Tagle's papal appointment: In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Cardinal Tagle as the Archbishop of Manila, the capital city of the Philippines. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  2. Cardinal Tagle's role in the Synod on the Family: In 2014, Cardinal Tagle played a key role in the Synod on the Family, a major gathering of bishops and theologians to discuss issues related to family and marriage. (Source: National Catholic Reporter)
  3. Cardinal Tagle's advocacy for the poor: Cardinal Tagle has been a vocal advocate for the poor and marginalized, and has worked to promote social justice and human rights in the Philippines and around the world. (Source: Catholic News Service)

Quotes and Statements

  1. On the COVID-19 pandemic: "We must not forget that the pandemic is not just a medical crisis, but also a social and economic crisis that affects the most vulnerable among us." (Source: Vatican News)
  2. On the importance of evangelization: "Evangelization is not just about preaching the Gospel, but about living the Gospel and sharing it with others." (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  3. On the role of the Church in society: "The Church is not just a institution, but a community of people who are called to serve and to love one another." (Source: National Catholic Reporter)