Car insurance news ireland

Here are some recent car insurance news stories from Ireland:

  1. Car insurance premiums rise by 10%: According to a report by the Central Bank of Ireland, car insurance premiums in Ireland have risen by 10% in the past year, with the average premium now standing at €1,044. (Source: The Irish Times, March 2023)
  2. New motor insurance law to tackle fraud: The Irish government has introduced new legislation aimed at tackling motor insurance fraud, which is estimated to cost Irish motorists €100 million per year. The law will make it easier to prosecute fraudsters and increase penalties for those found guilty. (Source: RTÉ News, February 2023)
  3. Car insurance companies to offer more transparency: The Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has announced that car insurance companies will be required to provide more transparency around their pricing and claims handling practices. This is aimed at helping consumers make more informed decisions when choosing a car insurance policy. (Source: The Irish Independent, January 2023)
  4. Electric vehicle owners to benefit from lower insurance premiums: A new report by the AA Ireland has found that electric vehicle owners can expect to pay lower car insurance premiums than owners of traditional petrol or diesel cars. This is due to the lower risk of electric vehicles being involved in accidents. (Source: The Irish Times, December 2022)
  5. Car insurance claims rise by 15%: According to a report by the Insurance Ireland, car insurance claims in Ireland have risen by 15% in the past year, with the average claim now standing at €4,500. (Source: The Irish Independent, November 2022)
  6. New car insurance product launched for young drivers: A new car insurance product has been launched specifically for young drivers, offering lower premiums and a range of benefits such as 24/7 roadside assistance and a free courtesy car. (Source: The Irish Examiner, October 2022)
  7. Car insurance companies to offer more flexible payment options: The Irish government has announced that car insurance companies will be required to offer more flexible payment options to customers, including the ability to pay premiums in installments. (Source: RTÉ News, September 2022)
  8. Car insurance premiums to rise by 5%: According to a report by the Central Bank of Ireland, car insurance premiums in Ireland are expected to rise by 5% in the coming year, due to increased claims costs and higher repair costs for damaged vehicles. (Source: The Irish Times, August 2022)
  9. New motor insurance database to reduce fraud: The Irish government has launched a new motor insurance database aimed at reducing motor insurance fraud. The database will allow insurance companies to share information and identify fraudulent claims. (Source: The Irish Independent, July 2022)
  10. Car insurance companies to offer more discounts: The Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has announced that car insurance companies will be required to offer more discounts to customers, including discounts for safe driving and for customers who pay their premiums in full upfront. (Source: The Irish Examiner, June 2022)

These are just a few examples of recent car insurance news stories from Ireland. If you're looking for more information or have specific questions about car insurance in Ireland, feel free to ask!